Avoid These Real Estate Rendering Mistakes in Your Next Project

As the real estate market continues to flourish and become more marketable in various ways, making a high-quality real estate rendering has been a deal breaker and received a huge response.

While the common goal of real estate rendering is to communicate a conceptual narrative through a polished visual to an investor or prospective buyer, certain minute mistakes can destroy the whole purpose.

A powerful tool in the real estate market and highly leveraged by developers, architects, and builders, standardized rendering visuals can attract potential buyers and kickstart the selling process quickly. Nevertheless, these architectural renderings often have flaws that don’t do justice to the actual blueprint of any structure and might repel buyers and investors alike.

This article will help you with a well-researched, authoritative list of the most common mistakes that should be avoided in architectural renderings while selling your next real estate project!

Top Real Estate Rendering Mistakes To Avoid

The following are the top real estate rendering mistakes CGI professionals need to avoid at all costs.

1. Inappropriate Reflections

Reflections are an integral part of 3D exterior rendering services. They can take away the balance from the architectural rendering if not projected properly. It’s one of the most complex parts of rendering but also a crucial aspect that needs to be taken care of to provide a simulation close to the material truth.

For example, renderings look appealing when sunsets reflect on glass visuals, but if the CGI artist doesn’t align the colour of the sky with the colour reflecting on the glass surface of a building, it takes away the element of logic from the rendering, depriving it of the sophistication it demands.

Therefore, CGI artists must be cautious while working on mirrored surfaces in visualizations to convey a realistic structure.

2. Keeping Visualizations Too Plain

Understanding the difference between minimalism and the aesthetics of empty space is important for the CGI artist to not go overboard with an open space or keep a visualization too minimalistic.

Architectural rendering services went viral over the years because 3D rendering can compensate for empty spaces that look pretty dull in reality. However, when presented as a furnished and well-appointed space, it can have the opposite effect on the buyer.

Therefore, CGI designers must make good use of the space in virtual staging so that it doesn’t look hollow or overly busy. A clamped-up space can similarly make a buyer think of calmer, minimalist areas. Hence, there should be a natural balance to serve the purpose of virtual rendering to catch the buyer’s attention.

3. Overdoing Futuristic Renderings

Many future projects are coming up that represent dynamic 3D renderings of buildings and structures that look like they’re straight out of a science fiction movie. While innovation is much appreciated, the CGI architect must understand that the simulation must not be so far from reality that it repels the buyer.

This type of real estate rendering can harbour a disconnect among buyers and limit their ability to imagine themselves inhabiting such spaces in reality. Superficial lighting and weather conditions can ruin the idea you’re trying to convey through the illustration. Hence, it’s probably best to keep in mind that “less is more” and maintain a sense of balance in the visualizations.

4. Poor Lighting

Uplighting and downlighting are complex phenomena in architectural renderings, and hence, CGI artists must tread lightly upon them to keep the final visual standard. Wherever there is light, the shadow is integral to it. Therefore, every object or person incorporated in visualizations by 3D interior rendering services must be followed by a corresponding shadow located at an optimum position.

Architectural renderings that omit shadows look unrealistic and lose their purpose. CGI artists must pay attention to spill and reflection to create professional renderings that look realistic and appealing to buyers.

5. Presenting From the Wrong Angle

The success of any visual rendering depends on the angle from which it’s portrayed. This is a real game-changer and must be considered seriously in architectural aesthetics. The camera angle of a shot ideally should not fall between 2.4 meters and 9 meters in the air. This doesn’t mean that CGI artists should exclude aerial vision in the presentation, but it has to be minimal.

Most artists often show a grand aerial view that occupies most of the screen and can easily distract buyers from the actual structures. More importantly, it’s important to portray a bird’s eye view of a structure to buyers to give the impression that they are seeing it through their own eyes.

Read More : 5 Incredible Benefits of 3D Virtual Tours for Real Estate

Make a Stunning Real Estate Rendering by Avoiding These Mistakes!

A real estate rendering is meant to offer more clarity and intrigue buyers into considering purchasing the property. Every intricate detail has to be considered carefully to create a lasting impression of the architectural visualizations on the buyer. If you’re looking for the best rendering services to scale your real estate experience, Render Visuals has the best CGI artists who deliver the best-in-class renderings.

Does Your Company Need 3D Visualization Services?

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

—Arthur C. Clark

In the last decade, 3D visualization services have found a home in several industries, such as architecture, interior design, construction services, and many others. Today, it’s beginning to impact other industries like marketing, gaming, and education, among many others.

There is an exponentially growing use of professional rendering. From planning landscapes to bringing cinematic visions to life to car designs, 3D renders have become considerably realistic and robust.

Although there are a slew of companies using these services, many businesses are still unaware of the benefits of 3D visualization services.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into what industries benefit from 3D visualization services, what these services entail, and whether your company will benefit from them.

Let’s begin.

What Are 3D Visualization Services?

3D visualization services, also called 3D modelling services, refer to the artistic and technical process of creating images using 3D software. The result is a 3D model. More often than not, these are images of unreleased products and upcoming properties. 

In contrast to photography, 3D visualization is primarily used to visualize content that’s not physically created yet. A viewer can easily comprehend the complexity of a building through 3D visualization.

3D visualization is sometimes interchangeably used with the term 3D rendering. However, 3D rendering refers to the more immersive subprocess of making images look more realistic. The product of 3D rendering is a 2D image.

Now that we’ve understood what 3D visualization services are, let’s look at some of the most common types of 3D visualization services.

Types and Techniques of 3D Visualization Services

Here are some 3D visualization services most companies use.

1. Real-Time

Real-time rendering occurs right in front of your eyes—it’s a continuous process. Consider a computer game or a CGI movie where the 3D models appear to move smoothly. Your commands and controller input are also responded to by the characters you control. This is real-time rendering, where the models are being rendered frame-by-frame in a manner imperceptible to human eyes.

2. Offline Pre-Rendering

Some rendering processes are too slow and complex to be done in real-time. Despite not being interactive, these 3D renders often appear far better than the real-time 3D renders owing to their ability to handle way more complex structures and geometry. While this may mean hours of professional rendering by frame, the final result is that much more spectacular.

3. Z-Buffering

This is a professional rendering technique used to decide which components in a scene are visible. Objects can be accurately placed within scenes using Z-buffering. The related algorithms can decide how to interpret and translate the relevant pixel spacing into physical distances.

4. Ray Casting

Consider a ray of sunshine and the manner in which the light travels forward before being reflected, refracted, or absorbed upon encountering an object. This idea is the basis for ray casting, which is used to determine the distance between an object and the eye.

5. Radiosity

Radiosity is a technique used to produce realistic 3D renders with diffused illumination. This professional rendering method is commonly used in the fields of architecture and interior design. When compared to direct illumination renders, radiosity only deals with light channels that are diffusely reflected, resulting in a higher level of realism.

Related : Why You Should Include 3D Visualization Services in Your Marketing Strategy

Industries that Benefit from 3D Visualization Services

3D rendering can have far-reaching use cases. It can benefit so many different types of industries, which most people do not think about. They are used in various industries, from architecture to education to healthcare.

1. Architecture & Construction

From the days of physical drawings and blueprints, architects and design firms have been quick to realize the potential of 3D visualization technology. Architects all over the world employ a 3D rendering company to develop stunning structures and interiors. This entails adding realistic material textures to building surfaces and natural light sources and shadows to give structures depth and realism.

The ease with which 3D renders can be shared with clients enables more client engagement and customization for building projects.

2. Video Gaming

The gaming industry is the next one that pops into everyone’s heads when we talk about 3D visualization. In today’s modern gaming industry, real-time 3D rendering is essential. Virtually all three-dimensional video games use it for a sizable portion of the overall video game industry.

It also plays a crucial role in the development of video games. Making a quality 3D render of any 3D model is a great way to view it from a different angle. Thanks to 3D rendering, the artist can see any flaws, make any necessary adjustments, or otherwise enhance the model.

3. Marketing

The modern world runs on marketing. As long as there is something to sell, there is a need to market it. 3D visualization services have led to a whole new realm of possibilities in the field of marketing.

It enables marketing experts to present things in an unprecedented fashion and makes it possible for more sophisticated, more realistic advertisements. Marketers can showcase nearly anything in such a lifelike manner that all of its perks, benefits, and characteristics are clearly highlighted using 3D rendering.

Furthermore, since expensive props and photoshoots are not required, advertising campaigns can be developed more quickly and for less money.

Also, different people interpret different things in diverse ways. So, marketers can reduce the scope of differences by using 3D rendering, thereby making the product appealing to the widest possible consumer demographic.

4. Medical & Healthcare

Modern science and technology have enabled us to live longer, better, and healthier lives. The addition of computing has significantly enhanced healthcare, and 3D rendering has elevated it to new heights.

To begin, 3D rendering is employed to increase the quality of various 3D imaging techniques. They can be used to improve 3D scans, which raises the image’s general quality and makes it look more realistic. Furthermore, 3D rendering is frequently used to produce images of viruses, bacteria, and illnesses, including their molecular structure and microscopic appearance.

In essence, this technique gives medical researchers and healthcare workers considerably more information and clarity to make vital medical decisions.

5. 3D Mapping

The process of mapping out the stars won’t happen overnight, but 3D rendering will make it go much more quickly.

With the help of 3D visualization services, 3D mapping can be used more effectively because images, stills, and scans can be converted into useful visual mediums that can then be used for additional analysis.

6. Interior Design

The interior design uses 3D visualization services in a slightly different manner from architectural design. Interior designers use 3D renders to produce virtual representations of their products. Highly detailed furniture and accessories, like a simple wooden table, are created using 3D rendering software.

3D rendering has largely superseded traditional methods of interior design. With professional rendering, interior designers can now design fully furnished spaces in a small fraction of the time and cost.

7. Manufacturing

Before a product is manufactured, companies need to design and study a prototype first. Using 3D rendering is one of the most effective ways to present a prototype properly. Manufacturing executives can view the prototype in all its glory through 3D renders and decide whether it will work or not. 

In the manufacturing industry, 3D rendering is also used for numerous advertising purposes. It allows companies to showcase a product realistically in the best angle.

8. Entertainment

Entertainment comes in all different shapes and sizes, and 3D rendering has made it possible for studios to create content more effectively, satisfying the continuously rising demand.

It’s now possible to speed up, streamline, and perfect labor-intensive and time-consuming procedures to the point where the entertainment itself is of higher quality and the production is more economical.

As much as animation is a staple of contemporary entertainment, it wouldn’t be possible without 3D rendering, which makes it possible.

In addition to animation, 3D rendering has excellent SFX applications, so it is used in most contemporary media (movies, television shows, and others).

Benefits of 3D Rendering

Once you know the process of 3D rendering, the obvious question is how would it benefit you. To answer that question, here are four reasons why your business needs to consider taking 3D visualization services.

1. Cost Effective

The aim of every business is to keep costs as low as possible. This is exactly what 3D rendering will help you do. Before the product is made, 3D visualization aids business owners in creating cash flows. Before making a purchase, many customers insist on seeing the final product, which is occasionally impossible, especially for event planners and home designers. Your customers can experience the product before it is created by using 3D visualization.

2. Increased Efficiency

3D renders save a lot of time. Compare how long it takes to plan, set up, and carry out an interior design photo shoot with how long it takes to produce a 3D render of the same interior design setup.

Not only does 3D rendering save time when compared to other traditional methods, it also decreases the time consumed in the business processes. For instance, organizing the interior design photoshoot would take a long time in terms of setting up the equipment, location, etc. It is obvious which method is more effective when we contrast it with 3D rendering.

3. Greater Creative Freedom

The ability to create environments in 3D gives you the freedom to visualize your products in virtually any environment. Even concepts that might otherwise be implausible come to pass. The physical capabilities of the materials and tools that are available to designers are essentially their only constraint.

These limitations are lifted by 3D rendering. Through 3D rendering, an architect can easily create a massive structure out of a variety of priceless materials. Accessing the software library and looking for the material textures would be all that was required. In the real world, it would be necessary to source these pricey materials at a considerable cost.

4. Easy Edits

3D renders to give you the freedom to go back and make edits to your final product. This would be challenging to do in a photo shoot or an architectural sketch, for example. 

Why Your Company Needs 3D Visualization Services

As computing capabilities keep rising, 3D rendering is bound to keep growing in stature. There is an ever-growing demand for a 3D rendering company, and a competition to deliver the best results.

Are you also looking for 3D visualization services for any of your upcoming projects? At Render Visuals, a premier 3D rendering company in Australia, we provide immaculate 3D rendering services with ultra-modern technology, at affordable costs.

Reach out to us on our website or contact us at +61 406-822-061/488-805-395 and get started right away!

Why Is a Virtual 3D Tour Important for Home Buyers?

At first glance, the word “virtual 3D tour” may seem unfamiliar to you. However, you’ve likely used virtual reality (VR) for shopping, education, and presentations.

Now, we have a new addition to the list: real estate. The property sector can benefit greatly from 3D architectural renderings, which are used to produce a realistic representation of a property.

This article will dive into how 3D rendering services can help homebuyers engage with a 3D virtual house tour before buying a property.

Why Should Home Buyers Do a Virtual 3D Tour?

The use of virtual reality can prevent you from making costly mistakes, such as relying on pictures or videos sent by the real estate agent.

It would be best if you safeguard your interests by using VR technology because it’s foolproof, convenient, and cost-effective.

Plus, it’s always best to have the most accurate idea of your home before making a buying decision. A virtual 3D tour helps you view a potential home from various angles and perspectives that could affect your buying decision.

Read: How 3D Virtual Tours Will Be the Future of the Architectural Industry

Let’s look at how a virtual 3D tour can benefit home buyers.

1. Go on a Guided Tour

Many homebuyers love to hover around and interact with different parts of a house. They find this exercise a highly immersive way of viewing the property than looking at 2D images.

As a prospective home buyer, you can use a virtual 3D tour to “walk through” the house, examine the décor, inspect the bedrooms and bathrooms, scrutinize the kitchen, and give a once-over to the outdoor area. Doing this should help you get a feel for what it would be like to live there.

Moreover, if you want to consult a knowledgeable friend or family member who lives in some other part of the country or overseas, a virtual 3D tour can easily chime them into your buying decision.

2. Get the Real Picture

When using a camera, there are often limits to how much area your photo covers and image quality.

With a virtual 3D tour, you can see your home from almost every angle, not to mention the outside portion of the property.

Using VR, you will also be able to see the home in a more realistic light. For example, if you are inspecting a bedroom, you can observe how the sunlight streams into the room. It creates a more realistic picture of how cozy and comfortable the place is.

3. Get More Options

Buying a house has become a lot easier thanks to the internet. Instead of driving from one location to the next, you can compare a range of properties using virtual 3D home tours and find the perfect place for your needs.

Homebuyers can even compare all homes in a price range they can afford. This will save them the embarrassment of visiting a house personally only to find that it doesn’t fit their budget.

Another advantage of virtual house tours is that you may get exclusive access to prime properties whose owners have no wish to make them accessible to the general public.

4. Love Thy Neighbour(hood)

In the case of newly constructed or under-construction buildings, a virtual 3D tour can be really valuable. It can be hard to picture what a home will look like when it’s just a foundation and a few walls. But with a virtual tour, you can see the finished product and get a better idea of what the house or apartment will look like.

Virtual 3D tours are also a great way to get a feel for a neighborhood. You can see the homes, parks, and nearby schools. You can even take a virtual walk or bike ride through the neighborhood to get a better sense of what it’s like to live there.

If you’re considering a move to a new city, a virtual 3D tour can be a great way to get a feel for the city before you move. You can explore the different neighborhoods, check out the local amenities, and get a sense of the city’s vibe.

Related: How 3D Virtual Tours Will Be the Future of the Architectural Industry

How Is a Virtual 3D Tour Created?

Architects, designers, and builders use 3D rendering services to design a virtual building or room and create ‘walk-through’ presentations for clients.

Both homebuyers and real estate professionals looking for a unique way to promote their properties can benefit from 3D virtual home tours.

We at Render Visuals create 3D renders for commercial, industrial, and residential projects. There are no hidden fees or surcharges. All prices are disclosed upfront.

You can learn more about 3D rendering​, 3D panoramic VR, 3D walkthroughs, and 3D floor plans by visiting our website.

How Render Visuals Can Revolutionize Your Architecture Business

Are you an architectural businessman looking to switch gears and take your company to the next level? We at Render Visuals have just the three words you want to hear: 3D rendering services.

Running an architecture business is no walk in the park. From potential clients looking to design their dream projects to potential buyers hunting savvy real estate investments, architects find themselves in the middle, trying to impress them all.

Imagine having a tool that lets your clients see your design ideas exactly the way you visualize them — a tool that helps you display concepts too complex for written words and 2D blueprints.

At Render Visuals, we have mastered the art of high-quality 3D renderings, and with our range of services, your architectural company can reach new heights.

Let’s take a look at some of these 3D rendering services.

Architectural 3D Rendering

Architectural 3D rendering is a method of developing three-dimensional representations of a planned architectural design. The goal of architectural 3D rendering is to accurately portray a project before its completion.

It aims to:

  • Create more precise design concepts.
  • Discover issues at an early stage of development to save money.
  • Communicate design concepts to clients and partners.

Read: How Architectural Companies Benefit from 3D Rendering

3D Panorama View

A 3D panorama shows you a three-dimensional, wide-angle view of a physical space using technologies like VR & AR.

You can watch your client’s dream projects come to life with Render Visuals’ avant-garde high-quality 360° 3D renderings.

Step into the 3D renderings with a variety of interfaces, including laptops, tablets, smartphones, and virtual reality headsets. This flexibility encourages the freedom of design to create high-quality 3D renderings in an environment best suited for your clients’ needs.

Read: What are 3D Panoramas? Let’s Take a Look at the Top Benefits!

3D Walkthroughs

3D architectural walkthroughs have given a new breath of life to the real estate marketing business.

Unlike static CGIs, 3D architectural walkthroughs take you on a journey within and around a structure with awe-inspiring cinematic visuals. The client gets a view of a project’s intricately detailed architecture and layout thanks to 3D animated cameras.

The secret to a stunning 3D architecture walkthrough is to draw the spectator in with the excellent design and photorealistic visualization.

Read: Video Walkthroughs Versus 3D Virtual Tours: Understanding the Differences

3D Floor Plans

3D Floor Plans

With 3D rendering floor plans, buyers get a clear idea of the project’s expectations. These plans come in handy when selling units to potential tenants or new owners, thus offering an accurate view of the construction.

Though 3D rendering floor plans is not new, it’s one of the most revolutionary additions to the architectural industry. This visualization technology has made it possible for floor plans to go from paper and pen measurements to 3D displays. These images help break barriers and simplify the buying process by giving buyers a clearer picture of a property.

Read: A Simple Guide to the Future of Floor Plans Using 3D Rendering

Render Visuals: The #1 3D Rendering Company Down Under

With 11 years of experience in the industry, our 3D rendering services have garnered the knowledge and expertise required to handle 3D architectural rendering projects of all sizes, types, and complexities. As a well-reputed 3D rendering company based in Sydney, we provide cost-effective services to a broad range of clients worldwide.

It’s not by chance that we’re trusted by leading builders, architects, developers, and government agencies worldwide. We plan and create 3D renders for new homes, renovations, warehouses, retail shops, and other commercial and industrial establishments.

Is your architecture company stagnating and needs a little technological catalyst? Render Visuals is the place to be!

Reach out to us on our website, or contact us at +61- 406 822 061

5 Interior Rendering Trends You Can’t Miss in 2022

Real estate continues to be shaped for the better as interior rendering becomes an effective tool for designers. Offering dreamscapes that clients can walk into virtually, 3D renderings help them visualize a place from all perspectives.

Valued at $1.48 billion in 2019, the 3D rendering software market is estimated to reach $7.96 billion by 2027. This shows the growing demand for interior rendering and its wide acceptance.

This article will discuss the top five trends in the interior rendering industry that scale real estate. Before we begin, let’s understand what 3D interior rendering is. 

What Is 3D Interior Rendering?

3D interior rendering is the process through which interior designers create 3D visualizations to emulate their design ideas by providing a realistic representation of space through CGI technology.

This gives clients an idea of what the interior of a space can look like and the flow of the area, making it more marketable and attractive.

Now that we have an understanding of interior renderings, let’s dive into the trends in the interior rendering business.

Read: Scale Up Your Interior Business Using 3D Interior Rendering

Popular 3D Interior Rendering Trends 

Let’s look at the interior trends real estate professionals follow using CGI technology to offer a more realistic presentation of their designs.

1. 3D Walkthrough Animations

One of the essential aspects of any interior rendering presentation is to make it as lifelike as possible. This is accomplished by creating a simulation that gives clients a concrete idea of the possibilities in an interior space.

A magnificent way to establish this is through 3D walkthrough animation videos that show multiple areas of a building, nooks, and corners as the video takes the client through the interiors for detailed views. The 3D video component enhances the space’s look, conveying an interior’s details.

2. CG Panoramas with 3D Visualizations

High-quality 3D renderings with CG panoramas help audiences navigate all the areas within a space. The panoramic view allows designers to determine whether their conception is on the right track and provides audiences with a broader perspective.

CG Panoramas provide a realistic experience, just as if you were in the room yourself, as you get to see everything around you through 3D rendering. You can zoom in to take a closer look or zoom out to get a perspective from all angles.

These views also help the designer have a clear conception of the place before it has been physically constructed and make changes along the way.

A great advancement in the real estate field, CG panoramic interactions have helped clients have a realistic understanding of an area and design their future homes.

3. Side-Cut Perspectives

Professional designers incorporate side-cut perspectives in their 3D renderings to provide a sophisticated view of the space configurations in multistoreys.

Like a doll-house view, where you can see both levels inside a doll’s house without opening any windows, side-cut perspective renderings offer a similar view. Here the design on each level is stacked vertically for a compact view.

4. Whodunit Style

Highly embraced by designers of modern architecture, high-quality 3D renderings with high saturation and medium/low contrasts highlight significant design elements. This technique is called the Whodunit style. It utilizes cool-toned colors to create modern and minimalist styles.

Stormy skies, glasses reflecting blue shades, and mysterious elements are some of the applications of this style; they create a modern appeal through CGI technology. It makes angular shapes and powerful features in an interior more prominent for the audience to perceive.

5. 3D Rendering for Green Architecture

With the world becoming more climate-conscious owing to drastic climate changes, most 3D rendering companies are switching to greener architecture and interior design.

Designers are developing all sorts of strategies to go green, from conceptualizing buildings with green-colored rooftops to incorporating rainwater harvesting methods in apartments.

Conceptualization and visualization play the most important part in making these initiatives turn into reality. Hence designers are using 3D architectural rendering to present their eco-friendly designs in a better manner.

Read: Information a 3D Rendering Company Needs for Best Renders

Stay Ahead of the Curve With Interior Rendering Trends!

Living room – Interior rendering

Newer technologies come and go in the real estate industry, but 3D rendering services are here to stay and will be more relevant in the next few years!

3D interior renderings vouch for the client’s imagination of a dream home or workspace by giving them a sneak into the prospects a place can hold for them.

With high-quality renderings, designers induce a lifelike experience for audiences, automatically increasing the client experience, bringing in high ROI, and maximizing client engagement.

Render Visuals offer the best-in-market 3D rendering services to help visualize and transform interiors dynamically.

Revamp Your Backyard with 3D Renderings of Landscape Designs

3D renderings can help you visualize a picturesque three-dimensional digital image of outdoor areas.

Are you dreaming of revamping your boring backyard into an extension of your home so that you can sit in the open and explore the view in comfort? 3D rendering services amalgamate artistry, design, and software to pre-plan an extensively life-like landscape design. 3D renderings will help you virtually see the plants grow and activities you can initiate in your backyard.

So, let’s explore the benefits of 3D exterior rendering services for remodeling your current backyard.

What Are 3D Renderings?

Designers utilize 3D rendering software to process flat sketches from conceptual designs. The designers closely work with a 3D interior rendering services team to turn the drawings into virtual photorealistic images. The rendered images add dimension and depth to the various aspects of the environment. The 3D views also showcase the colors and textures of the space, along with a view of how everything blends together.

The 3D rendering process begins with an extensively detailed plan that’s usually hand-drawn using advanced software for landscaping projects. The 2D plans are converted into mesmerizing 3D images by using special 3D rendering software. It produces real-life images from the landscaping vision for your backyard.

Why Use 3D Renders?

3D rendering companies use 3D design technology so you can envision a property with a virtual reality experience. You can customize the rendering by adding various features, so you know what they’ll look like in real life.

Let’s say you want to add a swimming pool to your backyard space, remove the rough floor of the backyard, or even add plants to a property. It can be done. You can enjoy an advanced level of pre-information and visualization with 3D renderings.

Also Read: Transforming Dreams into Reality with Modern 3D Rendering Services

Top Benefits of 3D Renderings for Your Backyard

With numerous libraries and catalogs of plants, trees, landscapes, rocks, and other additions, 3D renderings are the future of 3D design and execution. The top benefits are as follows.

1. Easy Presentation of Ideas

Communicating ideas and designs to your client is a significant pitfall in landscape architecture. Due to this, communicating the design purpose can be difficult, which further makes the explanation of the blueprints challenging. This issue is eliminated with the help of 3D rendering services. 3D renderings present a digital illustration of the client’s ideas without tracing the blueprints. It helps easily exchange ideas between the client and the designer. Communication is easy, and the end product is quick.

2. Sustainable and Adaptable

3D landscape architecture rendering provides a cost-effective and long-term solution for eliminating toxins from the environment. Planting green plants in your backyard will control the emission of carbon dioxide in and around your house. 3D renderings can help you visualize features like phytoremediation methods (that extract toxins from the groundwater and soil, thereby revitalizing them). It can help you create a more sustainable and adaptable house.

3. Time and Cost-Efficient

3D renderings guide the client in visualizing the overall design so that they can make any design alterations before the implementation of the changes. Landscape architectural renderings identify early defects and help fix them when the project is in the planning phase. This saves your money from expensive repairs, as well as time on reworking your backyard.

4. Enhanced Productivity

The on-site landscaping process is facilitated with 3D renderings. Thus, the chance for design improvements or rework is minimized as faults are identified at the initial conceptual stage. Productivity is increased when significant design defects are validated and ameliorated before implementation. So, you can build your dream backyard in one shot without having to come back and re-work mistakes.

Also Read: Looking for the Best 3D Rendering Company? Here’s 5 ways to Make the Right Choice!

Why Employ 3D Renderings for Your Backyard Design

3D rendered pool

3D renderings are in trend related to landscape architectural planning. To enhance your backyard design into a sustainable one, you can easily opt for 3D exterior rendering services near you. It will make your job easier by offering you a virtual image of the backyard design after the completion of the construction.

You can contact Render Visuals to transform your imaginative designs into photorealistic visuals. Our services are broad and include both exterior and interior 3D renderings.

Video Walkthroughs Versus 3D Virtual Tours: Understanding the Differences

Real estate has embraced advanced 3D technology to enhance its selling process and streamline the services for its valuable clients. An alternative to in-person viewing is 3D virtual tours.

That being said, 3D rendering has increased the confusion between video walkthroughs and 3D virtual tours.

Before you decide on which one’s best for you, let’s explore the differences between them.


What Are Video Walkthroughs?

Video walkthroughs are short videos of a property that you can buy from a real estate agency. The seller captures the walkthrough as someone walks from the front of the house and enters it.

The process helps you, the viewer, explore each corner of the house. You’ll get a glimpse of the internal and external layouts through a short video beyond the virtual presentation of the house.

Video walkthroughs require minimal editing and can be easily captured on a mobile phone. The process differs among various properties. Some even incorporate drone footage and advanced editing features.


Benefits of Video Walkthroughs

The benefits of video walkthroughs include:

  • Tailored view: Capturing the video helps you present the best space features to the customers.
  • Presents your personality: Video walkthroughs help present what you’re all about by offering users the essence of your business values through your video.
  • Spreads the word quickly: You can share the walkthrough on video hosting platforms like YouTube to offer better exposure to the masses.


Drawbacks of Video Walkthroughs

The drawbacks of video walkthroughs include:

  • Passive content: Passive content means that the clients won’t be able to interact with the video content. It lacks interactive features that engage the audience.
  • Background noise: If the video editing is inaccurate, the background noise in the video will hamper the user experience.


What Are 3D Virtual Tours?

3D virtual tours are digital images of an existing space. They present panoramic images sequentially captured with an advanced recording setup. The editing is done according to specific architectural and conceptual designs to create a virtual experience for viewers.

3D virtual tours are interactive, unlike video walkthroughs where clients get a single viewpoint. Users can view the property from various angles, which they can manipulate on a screen. 

A flawless 3D model of property highlights the property’s best features and the efficiency of the 3D rendering services offered by real estate firms.  

All this being said, you may think 3D rendering is highly technical and expensive. However, recent advancements in the technological world have made this property marketing tool affordable.


Benefits of 3D Virtual Tours

The advantages of 3D virtual tours include:

  • Interactive data points: Interaction is the ultimate feature for marking unique details in your property and its interior and exterior spaces. They contain various media such as music, photos, videos, etc.
  • Comprehensive view: 3D virtual tours help clients receive insights into the property that they wish to buy. A drone shot of the property offers a bird’s eye view of the exterior space that helps the buyers get a glimpse of the external features.
  • Floor plans: 3D virtual tours present the landscape architecture of the property efficiently. The schematic floor plan is directly imported into CAD software, saving you valuable time.


Related: How 3D Virtual Tours Will Be the Future of the Architectural Industry


Drawbacks of 3D Virtual Tours

The pitfalls of virtual tours include:

  • Size limits: Each 3D scan captures a significant amount of data. Thus, the limit to every scan hampers the size limits of 3D tours.
  • Hosting fees: The cloud-based nature of a virtual tour triggers a hosting fee so they can get hosted on a server. The hosting charges may be expensive depending on the video shoot.

Shared Benefits of Video Walkthroughs and 3D Virtual Tours

Although the outcomes differ, video walkthroughs and 3D virtual tours share similar benefits for a real estate business. These include:

  • Enhanced interest in your listings to generate more leads.
  • Decreased unwanted viewings by providing insight into the property layout.
  • Increased engagement on your listing and more additional click-throughs to your website.
  • Easy sharing on social media to broaden the reach of your prospective buyers.

It’s tough to state whether video walkthroughs are better than 3D virtual tours, as both techniques have their benefits and drawbacks. 


Related: 3D Tours v/s 360 Virtual Tours – The Ultimate Guide


You can opt for either video walkthroughs or 3D virtual tours based on your business needs. Render Visuals can help you choose the best techniques for your requirements. We have professional experience in 3D rendering services and video walkthroughs.

We specialize in the visual design communication spectrum and help you materialize your project in virtual reality. Our team works with developers, builders, engineers, and architects to provide you with the best quality photo-realistic animations and 3D architectural renderings.

From 3D interior floor plans and kitchen remodeling to 360-degree panoramic views and walkthroughs, we provide efficient architectural services. Visit our website: https://rendervisuals.com.au/ now, and make your imaginative design a reality!

How 3D Virtual Tours Will Be the Future of the Architectural Industry

Virtual reality (VR), or augmented reality (AR), is revolutionizing the architectural industry and shifting it to a new paradigm. It’s bringing significant changes in the design, modeling, and construction of the architectural world.

Architects and designers can now present their work using sophisticated renderings, increasing positive client satisfaction and sales outcomes in the real estate industry.

3D rendering services can now offer their clients virtual approximations of visualization tools — like 3D virtual tours as amazing substitutions to in-person experiences.

As the future of the architectural industry paves the way for 3D architectural rendering services, we’re here to share how it can enhance your current business model.


What Are 3D Virtual Tours?

3D virtual tours represent interactive 3D models of a property through advanced recording and graphic-designing technology. So, viewers can look at properties from the comfort of their homes. 

All users need is an internet connection and a smart device (preferably with headphones).

Instead of simply viewing 2D designs on a screen, users can interact with the architectural renders in a 3D world that stimulates the real thing like never before.

Not only are 3D virtual tours creating a one-of-a-kind experience for customers, but they’re also gradually changing the way architects engage in experimentation and design methodologies. An architect can use a 3D rendering to assess properties to enhance a property’s features and make corrections where necessary.

Related: 3D Tours v/s 360 Virtual Tours – The Ultimate Guide


Why Is Virtual Reality Better Than Conventional Designs for Architects?

3D Virtual Tours
3D Virtual Tours

Virtual reality is better than conventional designs for architects because they get a chance to explain design updates to their clients using interactive formats. Clients can listen to and watch narrated virtual demonstrations or immersive VR tours.

With virtual tours, an architect’s avatar can be rendered into the picture so they can point out particular features and designs of a property while interacting with the client. These interactive tours are a huge step towards creating architecture’s digital twin in the most exciting way possible!

It’s difficult for some architects to visualize in their minds every single one of their designs in space. Through 3D rendering processes (used with VR technologies), architects can visualize their architectural design, which helps them tackle issues with construction logistics, materials, and environmental factors that can affect the design process.

During the design process, architects can use VR to step into the building and change the interior by simply using a headset and a pair of gloves. This streamlines the process of developing property and adds precision to the work while diminishing the possibility of errors later down the line.

3D Virtual Tours VR
3D Virtual Tours

The introduction of AR and VR technologies is changing the way we perceive and communicate architectural information. The world is now moving towards fully immersive 3D models, where engineers, construction companies, real estate companies, and clients can gain access to all sorts of information — structural, mechanical, and electrical — that they never had before.


How Can 3D Virtual Tours Improve Client Relations?

3D virtual tours can improve client relations by helping them understand and connect with their desired property. VR can significantly improve the most common visualization pitfalls and boost confidence in an architect’s ideas through an immersive experience.

With the introduction of VR, architects can now make presentations that help them create a quick guided tour for simple and personalized navigation. This is ideal for allowing clients to experience and interact with the project — even before the foundation brick has been laid! With these VR tools, you can send the project directly to the client and receive timely feedback and concerns, which you can then incorporate into the renderings.

This helps real estate companies who want to show their designs to clients and customize plans according to their feedback. This enhances business-client empathy — something clients will appreciate.

3D models and immersive experiences such as these are very useful for selling properties in the most innovative way possible.

However, keep in mind that this isn’t restricted to just properties. 3D virtual tours are also perfect for galleries, tourist attractions, and shows. As new businesses spring up and current ones upgrade their models, utilizing 3D virtual tours has endless possibilities.

Related: How Are 3D Flythroughs Beneficial?


What More Can We Expect?

According to recent statistics, here’s what we can expect with the rise of 3D architectural rendering.


1. Increased Property Views and Website Traffic

Because of its convenience, 3D architectural rendering is more likely to attract a higher property viewership. People can view properties from their homes — without the hassle of traveling.

Additionally, having virtual tours on your website increases its chances of being found on Google Search and Google Maps by 16%.

3D virtual tours are more interactive and engaging, so people are more likely to stay longer on your website. The innovative features of 3D renderings spark curiosity and allow clients to see more than what meets the eye.

2. Increased Property Sales

Property sales are more likely to shoot up when clients view them in real time rather than those traditional floor plans. Direct sales increase exponentially with the growing usage of new technological tools such as VR & AR.

Additionally, with a drive in sales, your return on investment in purchasing 3D architectural rendering will be high.


3. Higher Levels of Innovation

The AR & VR industry is growing rapidly since it allows more exciting and original designs due to the perfect feedback loop that the architects get into.

Even before getting into the real game, architects are now able to work on daring ideas that are way more complicated when released on static images and drawings.

Now, they can express their creativity without any limits and also let the clients walk through the process, helping them innovate a lot more.


Why 3D Virtual Tours Are the Architectural Industry’s Future

VR & AR that integrates the 3D architectural rendering processes eliminates static paper drawings, saves resources, and brings conventional plans to life. This brings in a unique walk-through experience for every project, allowing users to interact with the model and give feedback and suggestions for changes even before the actual construction begins.


If you are looking for 3D rendering services to change architectural experiences into a whole new dimension, you can get in touch with us here at Render Visuals.

Why You Should Include 3D Visualization Services in Your Marketing Strategy

The market for 3D visualization has been exponentially growing at a breakneck pace, especially in the last couple of years. According to a market survey published by Global Market Insight Inc., the 3D visualization or 3D rendering market will be at a whopping $6 billion by 2025.

3D visualization combines a series of technologies such as computer-generated imagery, 3D modeling, rendering, and graphics that achieves a level of realism that beats all professional photography or videography. The possibilities are limitless when it comes to creating designs or renders — in practically every industry out there.

According to scientists, the human brain processes visuals about 60,000 times faster than texts (constituting around 80% of all the information in our brain). As a marketer, you need to understand the importance of visuals in customer engagement, persuasion, and attraction, for conversion into lead targets.

Read: How 3D Renderings are Redefining the Property Market


Reasons Why You Should Include 3D Visualization Services in Your Marketing Strategy

With the immense growth of 3D visualization technology usage in the industry today, it’s important to include it in your marketing strategy. Let’s walk you through the reasons why you should consider it in your next marketing stint.


1. Offers Interactive & Immerse Product Presentation

3D visualization services provide you with a complete product understanding process through customer interaction. Customers can view these products in real time, while the website owner can receive useful insights into customer behaviors.

Also, using 3D visualization services technology, customers can look at the product from different views and rotate, zoom, and analyze intricate details.

As a marketer, you’re well aware of the immense costs and logistics associated with product photography. Also, these images can be modified easily as the product version changes and can be simulated at large volumes without taking a series of photographs.


2. It’s Realistic

When it comes to gathering your customers’ attention spans or potential client deals, 2D has its limitations.

3D renderings can achieve significant traction in marketing. This is the reason behind its rapid scalability and expansion — it gets as real as you want it to be.

When customers engage with the renders, they see the value of the product they’re paying for. When you want to show off the material quality and design features to your customer, 3D visualization services offer them a unique visual perspective that helps them make an informed buying decision.


3. 3D Render Formats Are Quite Versatile

The number of channels through which a marketing asset can be used and dispersed determines its true value. Because of the versatility of 3D renderings, they’re available in various formats that are topping marketing charts.

These renders have solutions for any marketing campaign platform you want — 3D display, animation, tour, realistic high-resolution images, and snapshots.

It has especially created a considerable demand in the architecture and construction industry. Using these 3D renders in marketing, architects design the formation of objects and work on the proportions and model correction down to the most intricate details.


3. 3D Marketing Saves Money

If you’re looking for a strong marketing return on investment — both in the short and long run — 3D marketing is the best option.

Read:  5 Reasons to Invest in 3D Rendering Services

Since customers can see what they’re buying before they even pay for it, they’re highly likely to purchase it. Moreover, 3D renderings increase the visibility and web presence of the company that uses them. As a diversified media strategy, 3D marketing can up your social media presence and drive sales.

Also, consider this. When building a display home or prototype for marketing photography or videography, you need to hire a photographer, studio, stylist, editor, etc. The list just goes on. All these preparations add up to the total expense for your marketing campaign.

3D visualization can save you thousands here by replacing all these behind-the-scenes expenses.


4. Enables Sales Through Gamification

For decades, gamification has been an excellent marketing technique where customers can engage and play with the products of their choice. Thus, gamification brings a fun and interactive shopping experience to eager customers.

Due to the increasing engagement when promoting these products, the number of sales and overall order values shoot up.

3D visualization can be a safer, lighter, cheaper, and faster alternative to traditional 2D images, as they are mostly cloud-based solutions that can be accessed anytime.

Each of the benefits we mentioned above should be reasons enough to show you that 3D renderings make for successful and blooming marketing.


If you are looking for 3D visualization services to enhance successful marketing strategy efforts, you can get in touch with us at Render Visuals for all your rendering needs.

How Are 3D Flythroughs Beneficial?

Property marketing receives an enhancement with the help of 3D flythroughs. These flythroughs enable viewers to get a video tour of the property, allowing them to view the complete design and layout of a property.


The way real estate agents present layouts and designs has been completely transformed with 3D architectural flythroughs. A virtual walkthrough eliminates a client’s doubts and speculations about a property before it’s completed.


A 3D animation is also known as a flythrough or architectural animation. Flythrough and walkthrough are used interchangeably. This powerful tool creates an emotional connection with the viewers by combining 3D modeling, animation, visualization, storytelling, and music.


In recent times, video content has gained a lot of popularity. Because of this, 3D flythroughs have become an integral part of campaigns or marketing strategies for medium to large property development companies.


The ever-increasing growth of video marketing has changed and completely influenced the strategies of interior designers, property developers, real estate agents, and architects.


3D flythroughs can be used to showcase spaces in multiple forms. The 3D walkthrough animation can be created for any or all of the following:


  1. Exteriors
  2. Interiors
  3. 3D floor plans and master plans


They can also be integrated into an existing video.


What Is a 3D Architectural Flythrough/Walkthrough?

3D Flythroughs
3D Flythroughs


A 3D architectural flythrough or walkthrough is a 3D animation that shows you what a renovation or construction project looks like before it’s done.


It is regarded as one of the most powerful tools used by many in the real estate and architectural industry.


Flythrough videos have started gaining popularity in recent decades owing to their quick and simplified manner of showcasing a property. It doesn’t matter if the property is under construction or already built; flythrough videos give clients a glimpse into the finished product.


Usually, the videos are quite short (only about 2–3 minutes). However, they’re proved to be very effective marketing tools as they allow clients to get a holistic view of the building and its surroundings. All the details about a property are easily covered in a 3D animation walkthrough.


Animated cameras are created within the model scene. This is rendered and edited into a complete video that gives viewers a guided 3D tour of the entire property.


Some 3D flythroughs are created by a single, uninterrupted camera moving around or through a structure, while others use numerous animated cameras that capture detailed and wide-angle shots. These shots are later edited together to create a video.


Related: 3D Tours v/s 360 Virtual Tours – The Ultimate Guide


How 3D Flythroughs Are Beneficial for Marketing

Here are four ways 3D flythroughs can benefit your real estate marketing strategy.


1. Emotional Connection and a Long-lasting Impression

The video-like presentation of the property creates a story viewers can connect with. This is achieved with the help of photorealistic visualization, excellent camera composition, and the use of music, style, and theme.


Most flythrough walkthroughs are created to generate hype for potential tenants, buyers, or stakeholders. High-quality video content that demonstrates an emotional connection is more likely to be shared online compared to strictly manual-like content.


2. Effective and Attractive Presentation

Video content has become one of the biggest forms of content in recent times. 3D animation walkthroughs bring architectural plans to life as it manages to capture every detail accurately. This type of content instills confidence in prospective buyers.


3. Better Understanding

Lately, buyers and renters have found it difficult to understand the features and characteristics of a property from 2D architectural plans. Even CGIs have failed to give buyers a satisfactory view of a property. 3D architectural flythroughs tackle this problem head-on by allowing the viewers to understand the layout and the design through highly accurate representations.


4. Competitive Advantage

The content market has become very competitive lately. To get an edge, it’s crucial to be on top of the game, which means adopting and incorporating all the latest techniques out there. 3D walkthrough animations are one of the most impactful forms of video content. It’s important to adapt to this technology to enjoy the upper hand.


3D Flythroughs can boost your brand and easily help streamline sales. The walkthrough animations provide a holistic view of the finished project before its completion. This instills a sense of trust and confidence in the customers with the builder.


If your goal is to stand out, gain stronger engagement, and increase conversions, then feel free to reach out to Render Visuals.

We provide 3D rendering services with a wide range of creative and architectural solutions. Contact us to learn more about 3D flythroughs and incorporate them into your marketing strategy.

Related: 8 Tips to Get the Best Out of 3D Architectural Rendering